
Join a community that cares about You!

Feel the Love









Are you looking for a church? A church where you're not asked about your past or your beliefs? A church where your kids are welcomed and enjoyed? Try us out in person at 1326 4th Street NW, Elk River any Sunday at 10:00 am. All are welcome at Holy Trinity - that includes you!

Sunday School is held the first and third Sundays September through May.


Join us February 9 at 10:00 am for

The Fifth Sunday
after the Epiphany


The Rev. Mark Moore will be leading worship.


Click HERE for the February 9, 2025 Worship Bulletin.


HERE is the Bulletin Insert Message for this week.

Here   are responses from Rev. Budde and Bishop Loya in response to President Trump's policies.


Click on the link below to see our worship service livestream. Then click on "Live"

Livestream Worship Service





It was a beautiful day October 5th for our Community Wide Animal Blessing! Blessings to all who participated! 

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**There is a Donate button in the upper right hand corner of our page for anyone wishing to donate and contribute to the mission and ministries of Holy Trinity. Thank you for your financial gift via online giving whether it be your pledge or a contribution. See the bottom of the page for more information on Stewardship.

                                                                 Your generosity is very much appreciated.






Welcome to Holy Trinity in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Holy Trinity is a place where you can connect with people you can relate to and where you’ll find lasting relationships!

A very warm welcome to you from the faith community of Holy Trinity! We're so glad you're visiting our website. Holy Trinity is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion which has 80 million members in over 160 countries! We were part of the Protestant Reformation and are both Protestant and reformed Catholic. We serve as a bridge church for persons looking for an alternative faith community and we are family friendly. You're not just a face or number at Holy Trinity! Join us and you won't regret your decision to be participants in an intimate and caring faith community of devoted Christians rooted in the real presence of Christ through the Eucharist/Holy Communion! We are about YOU!

We are a church which will speak to your mind, heart and senses! We are also a missional church with outreach ministries chief among them our founding of Guardian Angels Senior Services and our service to the elderly and sick. We are active in CAER and are a supporting church for Open Doors for Youth serving families and kids in our area. Check out their websites at www.opendoorsforyouth.org.  We are also active in the ministries of Feed My Starving Children. Visit them at www.fmsc.org. These are our major outreach ministries bringing our church into the world by being Christ's hands and feet!  Feel the love!

We love kids! Our Sunday School meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month September through May. Bible based and very personalized to meet your kids’ needs. A K-12 educator is our Director of Education. Come with your family on Sunday and realize that Holy Trinity is unique and different with regard to its kids’ Ministries. 

Interim Priests:

The Rev. Mark Moore (First, Second, and Fifth Sundays)
The Rev. Tony Hunt (Third and Fourth Sundays)


Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it's also about contributing time and talents and volunteering for mission and ministry. It's also about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity.

The Pledge Campaign is ongoing all year long as new members may wish to pledge an amount from the time they commit through December 31st.

The Annual Pledge is a symbol of your thanksgiving to God through Holy Trinity. We encourage you to pray about what God is calling you to give out of your gratitude and generosity and to look carefully at how this pledge fits into the rest of your household budget both your "essentials" and "discretionary" spending.

Does your pledge truly reflect your experience of blessing and the gratitude and joy in all that God is doing in your life and in and through Holy Trinity and the many ministries we support? Be sure to take into consideration an offering of your Time and Talent as well. There are many ways to make an offering of yourself to God and to be part of what God is up to in the world, here, near and far.


Find the online Time and Talent form here.

Find us on Facebook!

For the latest announcements, event photos and encouraging notes, like us on our Facebook page.


Contact Us

Phone: 763-441-5482
Email Us: office@holytrinityelkriver.org

1326 4th Street NW
P.O. Box 65
Elk River, MN 55330-0065